Announcing the Scrum Foundations Course

Scrum Foundations

tryScrum believes in impactful education and experienced trainers to teach them. We support people wherever they are on their learning journey, from beginners to highly experienced practitioners, helping them grow over time with ongoing learning opportunities and resources. As one of the popular agile frameworks, Scrum is simple to understand but difficult to Master. To help you on your agile journey, I have created an introductory Scrum Foundations video course. This series of short videos introduce you to Scrum’s terminology and concepts as a framework.

Get Started with the Scrum Foundations Video Course

The Scrum Foundations video course is great for those who want to understand the Fundamental concepts that might have been difficult to grasp at first. This Introductory Course is for anyone who wants to get a good overview of how agile and Scrum work.

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