What Are Real Life Examples Of Agile Methodology?

A big bummer that many professionals centres on are calling Agile a precise “Methodology.”

Many say there is no right way to do Agile, but according to data and analysis, it’s proven that 54% of Agile marketers are using the Hybrid approach, and 21% are using scrum. In contrast, scrum is less considerable but more preferable by many practitioners.

A big bummer that many professionals centres on are calling Agile a precise “Methodology.”

But on an actual note in data, it’s proven that Agile is a balanced philosophy. Here arises a question “what is Agile?

Before moving forward to the real-life examples, let’s focus on the basics, that is, Agile development.


It continually cycles via the entire software development procedure to incrementally, fast and visibly develop an applicable portion of the software. A pivotal component of agile development is rapid subsequent iterations via the software development process. Each iteration via prerequisites, execution, unit testing, and user testing ushers to a purified working product in the following iteration. These methods are engaging because they are more adaptable when product specifications are not set and the span to market is crucial.

Marketing departments’ most standard agile practices comprise user stories, Daily standups, retrospectives, and frequent releases.

However, marketers testing with agile working methods have backers across the association. Many say that the IT/software development operations within their associations also utilize factors of agile methodology. For the latest agile marketing teams, guidance from undergone agile practitioners, like software developers, can be very profitable in the extended term.

No one apparently knows what the future holds, but one thing that is crystal clear is that in the coming years, Non-Agile Marketing departments will plan to implement Agility for benefits.


The few advantages that it offers are:

  • Concentrate on persistent delivery, thereby resulting in more rapid software discharges
  • Brisk response to persistent evolutions in the market while the software development procedure
  • Enhanced visibility and being capable of pinpointing probable show-stoppers before they become a problem
  • Lowering of haggard work / wasted time resulting in augmented productivity and efficiency


  1. SKY: It carries a famous name for households like satellite TV, broadband and telephone service. But you know what? The media provider holds a title for them too in software development. The latest and old projects were transformed to Agile, established on the view that software is developed via cooperation between cross-functional and self-organizing teams. It also promotes software to be cast as fast and regularly as achievable. Altering to Agile wasn’t manageable, and it interested consequential transformations in attitudes and perspectives and the deduction of well-known procedures.
  • PHILIPS: Philips is another company that also follows embraced Agile principles. After considerable modifications to managing structure, the firm presented several Agile coaches that deployed Scrum principles such as Scrum boards and splitting teams into shorter ones. As an outcome of changes like this, teams could also react to situations rapidly and it was ultimately easier for these smaller teams to take duty for their individual creations.

There are many other examples, but these are the main ones and are popular. And now we know firms use agile to enhance their business processes.

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