Building Blocks of Next-Generation Organisations

Learn about the key components required for creating the next-gen organisations.

Spinning up a single Scrum team is a challenge. Building an agile organisation is a journey. Every client we speak to asks me, what do you mean by my humanising? How do I humanise my workplace? So I thought I would come up with building blocks of capable organisations.

Based on my several years of experience working with organisations, and research methods, I found the below tenets are enablers of capable and resilient organisations.

In a world of uncertainties and challenges, We need Organisations that give everyone some power to make decisions and innovate to stay relevant and competitive. We know that you have already reimagined your business for efficiency, speed and responsiveness. Now it’s time to resurrect your business for adaptability, innovation, and engagement to stay capable. We can help. Let’s tryBusinessAgility.

At tryScrum, our mission is to humanise workplaces by helping organisations to be capable and resilient. Critical building blocks of next-generation organisations are illustrated below.

Source: tryScrum

We work with you to create and execute a plan to develop and sustain an agile organisation. We think the following approach will help organisations kick-start their journey.

  • Train every employee to think like business people
  • Give people accountability and create a psychologically safe environment
  • Offer abundant learning opportunities
  • Align, Measure and improve the economics of business transformation

In the coming days, we hope to expand the tenets with a few guidelines to help next-generation organisations.

You may download the complete whitepaper here

About Author

Venkatesh Rajamani has more than 17 years of experience delivering working software in short, feedback-driven cycles. He has helped many organisations adopt agile software delivery practices, including large banking, payments, telecom, and product organisations. He started his career as a Software Engineer and spent almost eight years as a hard-core Programmer. He has worked for or with large software delivery organisations, including HP, IBM, Logica, Paypal, Ericsson, RBS and HID. He founded in 2018 to execute his mission of Humanising Organisations. Venkatesh is fluent in 4 languages. He is based in Chennai, India and sets the overall direction for tryScrum. He is the world’s first to hold PKT, CAL-Educator, PST, CEC & CTC together. He loves reading books, travelling and public speaking.

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